Yoga For Beginners a complete guide
This session is about the key to yoga - synchronized movement and breathing. Enjoying your experience is very important-don't push yourself to hard! This session is suitable for beginners of all levels of fitness and works every part of your body, offering variations for all movements. Guided by Anne-Marie Newland the founder of Sun Power Yoga and Author of Sun Power Yoga Shala.
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Yoga For Men's health and wellness
This session helps create confidence with simple technical rules that help develop your physical and mental ability. It is ideal for those who have never tried Yoga before as well as for the more advanced. The focus is on areas that are problematic for men, tight hips, thighs, groins, chest and b...
This yoga session from Anne-Marie Newland allows the user to see more than one way of performing a posture. Whatever level you are you will grow into this session.
Laid out in a split screen format so you can see the two or three ways of doing a pose; the instruction is thorough, inspiring and ...
This session is based around a Sun Power Yoga series and should be used after watching it first in a relaxed way; maybe with your feet up and a cup of tea! Listening to the instructions and helpful aids to visualising what you can feel and achieve allows you to get the best out of your time pract...